Airport Strategy Advisory  

We have provided the business insight and strategic knowledge to many airport investors or management teams, helping them to understand their asset, competitive environment, catchment, strengths and potential for growth. Whether it be a major global hub or a small regional airport, we can help to review, develop or enhance your business direction and objectives.

  • Masterplan Traffic Forecasts
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business planning
  • Catchment Modelling
  • Airline performance modelling
  • Gap analysis
  • Passenger and revenue forecasting
  • Average fare analysis
  • Competitor Evaluations
  • Peer Airport Benchmarking
  • Airport Charges Strategy Evaluation

Related Case Studies

Cornwall Airport Newquay

Assignment: Strategic advice, management reports, conference material and general support.

Aviation Economics has worked with Cornwall Airport Newquay for a number of years. The senior management team have chosen to use our experience and expertise, rather than hiring and in-house resource. We provide all materials required for airline meetings, whether it be an introduction to the airport or a comprehensive business case including traffic and revenue forecasts, airline network planning, commercially viability and full profit and loss calculations.

Athens Airport

Assignment: Masterplan Input including Traffic Forecasts.

Aviation Economics was engaged by Athens Airport to undertake detailed traffic forecasts as part of their masterplanning process. Short term forecasts were based on a bottom up methodology and therefore were based on real world potential; taking into account airline strategy, fleet orders, airline development, route development potential from Athens and the economic and competitive environment. Several scenarios were built up in this way based on a series of assumptions. The long term forecasts were based on econometric modelling.

London City Airport

Assignment: CAA Survey Data Analysis.

CAA survey data can provide a great insight into the market, from both an airport performance and market leakage perspective. We undertake a detailed analysis of the London data each year, creating catchments for different competitive scenarios and reviewing/updating these annually. The market penetration of districts, distribution of passengers and market demographics both within and outside of the catchments are calculated and this is used by both the air services development team and the marketing team.

Shannon Airport

Assignment: Catchment Analysis.

Engaged by Shannon airport to undertake a catchment analysis. As most passengers travel to the airport by car, we began by creating drivetime catchment zones for Shannon and all neighbouring airports. Within the overlap areas, we undertook further analysis to understand the airport that passengers are most likely to choose (based on service provision, size, location and market presence). Defining this as the airport’s ‘area of influence’, we then analysed economic and demographic factors such as Disposable income, population, daytime population and age.


Airport Transaction Advisory

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Airport Strategy Advisory

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